Degree Requirements

Image Picker for Section 0
Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

MA in Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Pedagogy (MA-LLCP)


This Master's program has three options: a single major (30 credits), a major/minor (36 credits), and a double major (42 credits). The MA in Languages, Literatures, Cultures, and Pedagogy is a flexible degree that can provide students with all the courses required for teaching certification in French or Spanish, except for student teaching, which is an undergraduate course of 9 credit hours. Students already certified can take as many as 15 credit hours in World Language pedagogy courses or closely related fields. All students take at least half their courses in the world language and literature of their major field (French or Spanish). This program also prepares students for study at the PhD level in the field of Applied Linguistics.

Major Fields: French and Spanish

Minor Fields: French, Spanish, and Italian Literatures, and Applied Linguistics/Pedagogy.​

1. Coursework for MA-LLCP students not seeking certification

A. Single Major (30 credits)

  • Five courses (15 credits) in the major language/literature. These credits must be earned in the classroom, not as thesis credits.
  • A minimum of three courses (9 credits) in the field of World Language pedagogy (WL). These credits must be earned in the classroom, not as thesis credits.
  • ​The remaining two courses (6 credits) are selected with the prior approval of the student's advisor, from the major language area (French or Spanish), world language pedagogy, or related fields (i.e. relevant courses in Education, Linguistics, literary theory, or English, etc.)
  • *Note: All recipients of a Graduate Assistantship (TAship, RAship, etc.) are required to take LLCU 623. If a student has completed course work judged equivalent to LLCU 622, 623 or 624 and can provide documentation (e.g., teaching portfolio, syllabi, teaching certificate), substitutions within the field of World Language pedagogy may be accepted.

B. Major/Minor (36 credits)

  • Five courses (15 credits) in the major language/literature and three courses (9 credits) in the minor. In no instance may the student take more credits outside the department than in the department in any one semester.
  • A minimum of three courses (9 credits) in the field of World Language pedagogy. These credits must be earned in the classroom, not as thesis credits.
  • One course (3 credits) may either be in the major literature or in pedagogy.

*Note: Students wishing to pursue a minor must apply to the Graduate Studies Committee for admission to the minor. Criteria for admission are the same as those applied to all other degree candidates. Once admitted to the minor, the student must be assigned an advisor who is a member of the graduate faculty. With the advisor's approval, the student will select courses with the goal of a comprehensive program of study.

C. Double Major (42 credits)

  • Five courses (15 credits) in the major literature I and five courses (15 credits) in the major literature II.
  • At least three courses (9 credits) in the field of World Language pedagogy. These credits must be earned in the classroom, not as thesis credits.
  • One course (3 credits) may either be in the major literature or in pedagogy.

2. Coursework for MA-LLCP students on Certification Track

A. Students who wish to obtain teacher certification must take 11 3-credit courses for a total of 34 credits, distributed as follows:​

  • ​Fiv​​e courses (15 credits) in the major language/literature. These credits must be earned in the classroom, not as thesis credits.
  • Four courses (10 credits) in World Languages Pedagogy. These courses must include:


  • Principles of World Language Teaching (LLCU 623*)
  • Language Syllabus Design (LLCU/LING 622)​
  • Language Teaching Practicum (LLCU617**+)

One of the following:

  • Methods of Teaching Foreign Language, (LLCU/LING 621)
  • Second Language Testing LLCU/LING 624

If the student has taken identical courses at the undergraduate level, other appropriate pedagogy courses (e.g. Methods of Teaching Language in Elementary Schools, LLCU 629), may be substituted with the permission of the student's pedagogy advisor. *All recipients of a Graduate Assistantship (TAship, RAship, etc.) are required to take LLCU 623. If a student has completed course work judged equivalent to LLCU 622, 623 or 624 and can provide documentation (e.g., teaching portfolio, syllabi, teaching certificate), substitutions within the field of WL pedagogy may be accepted. **Note: LLCU617 (1-credit) includes a clinical placement in a local school. See the Coordinator of World Languages Education to discuss arrangements for such a placement.

Two courses (6 credits) in Education are required:

  • Adolescent Development and Educational Psychology (EDUC 613***)
  • Teaching Exceptional Adolescents (EDUC 614)

*** EDUC 613 includes an 18-hour clinical placement in a local school. In addition to these 31 credits, 3 credit hours of Student Teaching (EDUC 750) must be completed during a fifth semester before obtaining the MA-LLCP Degree. Applications for student teaching are submitted to the Coordinator of World Languages Education in February of the spring semester for all placements in the following academic year (i.e. you would apply in February 2023 for a student teaching placement in fall 2023 or spring 2024).

Important Notes:

1) Since not all required courses are offered every semester, careful planning is essential. See the Coordinator of World Languages Education for details.

2) As you complete your pedagogy coursework and student teaching, you will be compiling a teaching portfolio. See required portfolio elements.

B. Comprehensive Examinations

1. The comprehensive examinations in the student's major area or areas (i.e. French and/or Spanish) have a written as well as an oral portion.

2. The examinations in French are based on coursework and on reading lists available online. The examinations in Spanish are based on graduate coursework.

3. Students must submit their finalized reading lists to their GSC language representative by the last day of September (fall exams) or the last day of February (spring exams).

4. Students must submit the Application to take the Master’s Exam to their GSC language representative by the last day of September (fall exams) or the last day of February (spring exams).

Courses in Major/Minor Language



Courses in Minor Language



Courses in Minor Fields

​Applied Linguistics/Pedagogy:

World Language Pedagogy:

Last Revised 2020/2021 Academic Year

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Image Rendition

Change the way the image is cropped for this page layout.

Media Size

Cycle through size options for this image or video.

Fixed Portrait 1
Fixed Portrait 2
Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Insert Image

Open the image pane in this body section. Click in the image pane to select an image from the image library.

Insert Video

Open the video pane in this body section. Click in the video pane to embed a video. Click ? for step-by-step instructions.

Remove Image

Remove the image from the media panel. This does not delete the image from the library.

Remove Video

Remove the video from the media panel.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Move Down

Move this whole section down, swapping places with the section below it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Move Up

Move this whole section up, swapping places with the section above it.

Code Cleaner

Check for and fix problems in the body text. Text pasted in from other sources may contain malformed HTML which the code cleaner will remove.

Accordion is OFF

Accordion feature turned off, click to turn on.

Accordion is ON

Accordion featurd turned on, click to turn off.

Media Right/Left-Align

Align the media panel to the right/left in this section.

Page Settings and MetaData:
(Not Shown on the Page)
Page Settings
Degree Requirements
MetaData for Search Engine Optimization
Degree Requirements